
Anton Andersson

Software Engineer

Just Cause 4

Project Description

I started at Avalanche as a generalist gameplay programmer. Working on systemic missions that could spawn dynamically all over the world as well as building out the collectible system. Over time I absorbed a lot of additional macro systems as the company was shifting resources and ended up becoming the principal gameplay programmer on the project. Being responsible for all macro gameplay and progression. Due to the close connection between gameplay and UI and our lack of UI programmers the two teams gradually merged and I was put in charge of the joint group.

Over the course of the project I worked on a wide range of gameplay systems. I was in charge of developing our conditional and object tracking solution which ended up driving most of our mission scripts and gameplay beats. Another notable part of my work concerned loading and boot flow. Ensuring correct resource loading and spawn flow between various pieces of gameplay beats. Towards the later parts of the project I also assisted with a lot of our platform specific content. Working on things such as gameplay achievements, rich presence and platform store interfaces. 

In addition to gameplay my UI work included both work with the HUD and various menus. As well as setting up platform specific input solutions and how they specifically feed into the interfaces. It also involved a lot of optimizations and resource loading adjustments towards the end of the project when memory started to become a concern.

As we transitioned from production into post production an increasing part of my time was spent connecting all systems, fixing critical memory issues, bugs and crashes. Due to my familiarity with the code base I became the go to person for questions regarding how the overall systems worked. As such I was included in various "mission control" channels during launch and often became the bridge between the tech teams and production/design. I was simultaneously writing new systems for upcoming DLC and the experience became a good exercise in how to properly manage resources and time whilst iterating on a product post launch.


Lead Gameplay Programmer


Avalanche Studios, New York City


Overall progression and save system. In game collectibles and mission logic. Achievements and platform specific features for PS4/XboxOne/PC. User Interfaces and Menus. Macro systems and script support. 

Software, Resources, Languages

Perforce, C++, ActionScript 3.0, Adobe Animate, Custom Apex Game Engine, Microsoft Visual Studio

E3 2018 Trailer

Dare Devils of Destruction 2019 Trailer